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Geometric Topology 12
- Authors
- Name
- Malachy Reynolds
- @MalachyReynolds
Geometric Topology 12
Resolving Boundary Codes
The usual model of the Klein bottle shows that it is the quotient of a closed square in by the equivalence relation defined by the boundary code . The previous explanation (by dividing the square into two triangles and rearranging) shows that can also be obtained from a square with code . We write to indicate that the two quotients are homeomorphic.
A variant of the proof (focusing on the triangle with sides and adding the other diagonal) goes like this symbolically:
The symbol "" merely unites codes arising from a disjoint union of polygons.
In this section we shall start with a -gon and boundary code , and show that we get the same (i.e. a homeomorphic) surface if instead we start with the code , or the normal form in the notation of the main theorem (v2):
Proposition: .
Cutting, Flipping and Pasting
We start the proof of the proposition with the boundary code of the lower horizontal rectangle. The black cut (closing the boxed edges ) gives the union of two squares, and the 'sum' of two words:
by first labelling the right-hand square.
By inverting the first summand (corresponding to flipping the square), and starting the second with , this can be combined into:
a code that now represents the vertical rectangle.
Recall that means that the two polygons whose pairs of edges are identified by means of the words are homeomorphic surfaces.
We have reached the vertical rectangle, with code . The first operation is to separate the triangle with two sides top left, flip it over and reattach:
To do this, we have effectively substituted so . Now we move the triangle bottom right, which amounts to substituting (so ):
This is the code for the parallelogram.
We now represent the parallelogram by a smaller rectangle with the same boundary code . The diagonal cut splits this into two triangles, but we can skip the cutting and pasting steps by substituting (so ):
Setting completes the proof.
Both sides in the proposition are juxtapositions of codes corresponding to and . Soon we shall interpret this as a homeomorphism of connected sums: