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Geometric Topology 8


Geometric Topology 8

Summing Over States

Fix a diagram DD of a link LL. One can compute the Kauffman bracket of DD by choosing one of its crossings to split using (iii), and then applying the same step to each of the two resulting diagrams. Proceeding in this way we finish with 2c2^c diagrams, each of which has no crossings left, is therefore a disjoint union of 'circles'. Because the changes only take place around each crossing, the order in which we choose the crossings is irrelevant, as in the proof about R2R_2 invariance.

A choice of splittings for every crossing is called a state. A splitting is positive if and only if the diagram that results is paired with AA. So a state can be regarded as a map:

s:{1,2,3,...,c}{+1,1}s: \{1,2,3,...,c\} \rightarrow \{+1,-1\}

that assigns to each crossing the sign in which it is to be split. There are 2c2^c such states. One can indicate by s(D)s(D) the diagram that results when ss is applied to DD, and by s|s| (pronounced 'mod ss') the number of circles in s(D)s(D). Each state involves pp positive crossings and nn negative ones, with p+n=cp+n = c and pn=i=1cs(i)p-n = \sum_{i=1}^c s(i).

The Big Sum

Repeated application of rule (iii) yields the "big sum": Proposition:

D=2c statesAp(s)n(s)(A2A2)s1.\boxed{D} = \sum_{2^c \text{ states}}A^{p(s) - n(s)}(-A^2 - A^{-2})^{|s|-1}.

There are two special states, namely s+s_+ with s+(i)=+1s_+(i) = +1 for all ii (so all splittings positive) and likewise ss_- with all splittings negative.

Exercise: In general, if s,ss,s' are states whose values (splittings) disagree at exactly one crossing then s=s±1|s'| = |s| \pm 1.

Alternating Links

Suppose that a link has an alternating diagram DD that is positively chess-boarded with B/WB/W black/white regions respectively. A positive splitting at every crossing will unite all the black regions and result in unknots around the white ones, so s+=W|s_+| = W. Similarly s=B|s_-|=B.

Lemma: If DD is reduced then the highest power of AA in D\boxed{D} will arise from s+s_+ and Kauffman term:

Ac(A2A2)W1=±Ac+2W2±...A^c(-A^2 - A^{-2})^{W-1} = \pm A^{c+2W-2} \pm ...

Proof: Set h=c+2W2h = c+2W-2. Let ss' denote a state with exactly one negative splitting. We know that s=s+±1|s'| = |s_+| \pm 1, so the highest power of AA in the Kauffman term of ss' will either equal hh or h4h-4. We must prove it is the latter, otherwise there is a danger that terms in AhA^h could cancel each other out. But we claim that the hypothesis 'reduced' forces s=s1|s'| = |s|-1. For, having made a positive splitting, the resulting two arcs must form part of two distinct circles, otherwise the splitting would be an isthmus, with an arc joining one side to the other. If that splitting is changed to negative, the white regions in Q2,Q4Q_2,Q_4 are united, two circles become one, and s=s+1|s'|=|s_+| -1. \blacksquare

Laurent Span

This is the difference between the highest and lowest powers in a Laurent polynomial, so we can talk about the AA-span in D\boxed{D}, or the tt-span in V(L)V(L).

Suppose that DD is both reduced and connected. Then it has B+W=c+2B+W = c+2 regions by Euler's formula. We have seen that the highest power of AA in D\boxed{D} arises from h=c+2W2h=c+2W-2. Similarly the lowest power will be =c2B+2\ell = -c - 2B + 2. So the AA-span is:

h=2c+2(W+B2)=2c+2(c+22)=4c.h - \ell = 2c + 2(W+B-2) = 2c + 2(c+2-2) = 4c.

To pass from the Kauffman bracket D\boxed{D} to the Jones polynomial V(K)V(K) we multiply by (A)3w(D)(-A)^{-3w(D)} (which does not affect the span), and replace AA by t1/4t^{-1/4}. In conclusion:

Corollary: If a link LL has a connected reduced alternating diagram with cc crossings, cc equals the tt-span of V(L)V(L), and so in these circumstances cc depends only on the ambient isotopy class of LL.


V(62)=t1+2t12t2+2t32t4+t5V(right Hopf)=t5/2t1/2 but:  V(OO)=t1/2t1/2V(6_2) = t-1 + 2t^{-1} - 2t^{-2} + 2t^{-3} - 2t^{-4} + t^{-5} \\ V(\text{right Hopf}) = -t^{5/2} - t^{1/2} \ \text{but: } \ V(OO) = -t^{-1/2} - t^{1/2}

Historical Remarks

In 1987, Kauffman, Murasugi and Thistlethwaite improved the corollary around Laurent span by relating VV to spanning trees in a graph arising from the chess-boarding, so as to prove:

Theorem: If a link LL has a reduced alternating diagram DD with cc crossings then c=cr(L)c = cr(L) is its crossing number.

This was one of P.G. Tait's conjectures dating from 1898.

It is an open question as to whether any knot with V(K)=1V(K) =1 is necessarily trivial, i.e. ambient isotopic to an unknot. There do exist non-trivial links with V(L)=1V(L) = 1. There are examples of distinct knots K1,K2K_1,K_2 with V(K1)=V(K2)V(K_1) = V(K_2), for example:

t4+2t32t2+2t+t22t3+2t42t5+t6-t^4 + 2t^3 - 2t^2 + 2t + t^{-2} - 2t^{-3} + 2t^{-4} - 2t^{-5} + t^{-6}

is the Jones polynomial shared by the Conway and K-T knots, each with cr=11cr = 11.

To cite an easier result, the Jones polynomial behaves well with respect to the connect sum of links, namely V(K1#K2)=V(K1)V(K2)V(K_1 \# K_2) = V(K_1)V(K_2). In particular this confirms there are exactly three ambient isotopy classes formed by connecting two trefoil knots.