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Operators on Infinite Dimensional Vector Spaces 4


Classification of Bounded Operators

Here we define the notion of the adjoint operator and using this notion, define self-adjoint, unitary and normal operators. We discuss simple algebraic properties of operators in these classes. We also discuss projections.

The Adjoint Operator

Theorem 2.1: Let H\mathcal{H} be a Hilbert space and AB(H)A \in \mathcal{B}(\mathcal{H}). There exists a unique operator AB(H)A^* \in \mathcal{B}(\mathcal{H}) such that:

(Ax,y)=(x,Ay), x,yH.(Ax,y) = (x,A^*y), \ \forall x,y \in \mathcal{H}.

Proof: Let yHy \in \mathcal{H} and define the linear functional fy:HCf_y : \mathcal{H} \rightarrow \mathbb{C} as fy(x)(Ax,y)f_y(x) \coloneqq (Ax,y). By the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, for every xHx \in \mathcal{H} we have:

fy(x)AxyAxy=(Ay)x.|f_y(x)| \leq \|Ax\|\|y\| \leq \|A\|\|x\|\|y\| = (\|A\|\|y\|)\|x\|.

So fyf_y is a bounded linear functional on H\mathcal{H} and fAy\|f\| \leq \|A\|\|y\|. According to the Riesz representation theorem there exists a unique zyHz_y \in \mathcal{H} such that for all xHx \in \mathcal{H}:

(Ax,y)=f(x)=(x,zy)(Ax,y) = f(x) = (x,z_y)

and zy=fAy\|z_y\| = \|f\| \leq \|A\|\|y\|. Define the operator A:HHA^* : \mathcal{H} \rightarrow \mathcal{H} as Ax=zyA^*x = z_y. One can verify that AA^* is linear. We have already proved that for all yHy \in \mathcal{H}:

AyAy,\|A^*y\| \leq \|A\|\|y\|,

in other words AA^* is bounded and:

AA.\|A^*\| \leq \|A\|.

By construction 2.1 is satisfied and the uniqueness of zyz_y guarantees that the constructed operator AA^* is the unique operator satisfying the inequality. \blacksquare

Definition 2.2: The operator AA^* from the previous theorem is called the adjoint of AA.

The adjoint operator can also be defined in a more general situation when BB(X,Y)B \in \mathcal{B}(X,Y) for Banach spaces X,YX,Y; see Reed-Simon Section VI.2 for discussion. In this course we only consider the adjoint of operators on a Hilbert space.

Theorem 2.3: Let A,A1,A2B(H)A,A_1,A_2 \in \mathcal{B}(\mathcal{H}), and αC\alpha \in \mathbb{C}. Then:

  1. (αA1+A2)αA1+A2(\alpha A_1 + A_2)^* \overline{\alpha}A_1^* + A_2^*;
  2. (A1A2)=A2A1(A_1A_2)^* = A_2^*A_1^*;
  3. A=AA^{**} = A, where A=(A)A^{**} = (A^*)^*;
  4. A=A\|A^*\| = \|A\|;
  5. AA=AA=A2\|A^*A\| = \|AA^*\| = \|A\|^2;
  6. If AA is invertible then (A1)=(A)1(A^{-1})^* = (A^*)^{-1}.

Proof: In order to show that an operator is the adjoint of another, it is sufficient to show that it satisfies the adjoint equation (2.1) for all x,yHx,y \in \mathcal{H}. Then, the uniqueness of the adjoint tells us that it has to be the adjoint.

  1. We compute for any x,yHx,y \in \mathcal{H}:
    ((αA1+A2)x,y)=α(A1x,y)+(A2x,y)=α(x,A1y)+(x,A2y)=(x,(αA1+A2)y).((\alpha A_1 + A_2)x,y) = \alpha(A_1 x, y) + (A_2x,y)\\ = \alpha (x,A_1^* y) + (x,A_2^*y) \\ = (x,(\overline{\alpha}A_1^* + A_2^*)y).
  2. We compute again, for x,yHx,y \in \mathcal{H}:
  3. For every x,yHx,y \in \mathcal{H}:
    (Ax,y)=(y,Ax)=(Ay,x)=(x,Ay)=(Ax,y).(A^{**}x,y) = \overline{(y,A^{**}x)} \\ = \overline{(A^*y,x)} \\ = (x,A^*y) \\ = (Ax,y).
    Consequently for every x,yHx,y \in \mathcal{H}:
    ((AA)x,y)=0.((A-A^{**})x,y) = 0.
    Since this is in particular true for y=(AA)xy=(A-A^{**})x we obtain that for all xHx \in \mathcal{H}, (AA)x=0(A-A^{**})x = 0.
  4. This follows from 2.2 and (3):
    A=AAA.\|A\| = \|A^{**}\| \leq \|A^*\| \leq \|A\|.
  5. By (4) and Theorem 1.5:
    AAAA=A2.\|A^*A\| \leq \|A^*\|\|A\| = \|A\|^2.

On the other hand:

A2=supx=1Ax2=supx=1(Ax,Ax)=supx=1(x,AAx)supx=1xAAx=AA.\|A^2\| = \sup_{\|x\| = 1}\|Ax\|^2 \\ = \sup_{\|x\|=1}(Ax,Ax) \\ = \sup_{\|x\|=1}(x,A^*Ax) \\ \leq \sup_{\|x\|=1}\|x\|\|A^*Ax\| \\ = \|A^*A\|.

Thus AA=A2\|A^*A\| = \|A\|^2. Using this equality with AA^* instead of AA we derive from (3) and (4) that AA=A2\|AA^*\| = \|A\|^2.

  1. It is sufficient to take the adjoint operators in the equality:
    AA1=I=A1A.AA^{-1}= I = A^{-1}A.

Definition 2.4: An operator AB(H)A \in \mathcal{B}(\mathcal{H}) is said to be:

  1. normal if AA=AAAA^* = A^*A,
  2. self-adjoint if A=AA^* = A, i.e. if for all (x,y)H(x,y) \in \mathcal{H}, (Ax,y)=(x,Ay)(Ax,y)=(x,Ay),
  3. unitary if AA=AA=IA^*A=AA^*=I i.e. if A1=AA^{-1}=A^*.

Note that any self-adjoint operator is normal. Any unitary operator UB(H)U \in \mathcal{B}(\mathcal{H}) is normal as well.

Unitary operators can be defined more generally as operators from one Hilbert space to another one: UB(H1,H2)U \in \mathcal{B}(\mathcal{H}_1,\mathcal{H}_2) is called unitary if UU=IH1U^*U=I_{\mathcal{H}_1}, UU=IH2UU^*=I_{\mathcal{H}_2}.

Example 2.5: Consider the operator TT of multiplication by a function tt in L2(R)L^2(\mathbb{R}). Then TT is self-adjoint if and only if tt is real-valued; TT is unitary if and only if t(x)=1|t(x)| = 1 for all xx; TT is normal for any function tt. Similar statements apply to the operator of multiplication by a sequence.

Example 2.6: An operator TT given by the matrix {tij}i,j=1N\{t_{ij}\}_{i,j=1}^N in CN\mathbb{C}^N is self-adjoint if and only if tij=tji\overline{t_{ij}} = t_{ji} for all i,ji,j. Similarly an integral operator with the integral kernel t(,y)t(,y) is self-adjoint if t(x,y)=t(y,x)t(x,y) = \overline{t(y,x)} for all x,yx,y. There are no known simple sufficient conditions for unitarity or normality of integral operators.

Theorem 2.7:

  1. AA is self-adjoint, λR    λA\lambda \in \mathbb{R} \implies \lambda A is self-adjoint.
  2. A1,A2A_1,A_2 are self-adjoint     A1+A2\implies A_1 + A_2 is self-adjoint.
  3. Let A1,A2A_1,A_2 be self-adjoint. Then A1A2A_1A_2 is self-adjoint if and only if A1A_1 and A2A_2 commute.

Proof: Exercise. \blacksquare

Theorem 2.8: Let A inB(H)A \ in \mathcal{B}(\mathcal{H}); then AA is self-adjoint if and only if (Ax,x)(Ax,x) is real for all xHx \in \mathcal{H}.

Proof: If AA is self-adjoint then for all xHx \in \mathcal{H}:

(Ax,x)=(x,Ax)=(Ax,x),(Ax,x) = (x,Ax) = \overline{(Ax,x)},

in other words, (Ax,x)(Ax,x) is real.

Let us prove the converse. For any x,yHx,y \in \mathcal{H}, we have:

4(Ax,y)=(A(x+y),x+y)(A(xy),xy)+i(A(x+iy),x+iy)i(A(xiy),xiy)4(Ax,y) = (A(x+y),x+y) - (A(x-y),x-y) + i(A(x+iy),x+iy) - i(A(x-iy),x-iy)

(this is the polarization identity for operators) and similarly:

4(x,Ay)=(x+y,A(x+y))(xy,A(xy))+i(x+iy,A(x+iy))i(xiy,A(xiy)).4(x,Ay) = (x+y,A(x+y))-(x-y,A(x-y)) + i(x+iy,A(x+iy)) - i(x-iy,A(x-iy)).

For every zHz \in \mathcal{H} we have:

(Bz,z)=(Bz,z)=(z,Bz).(Bz,z) = \overline{(Bz,z)} = (z,Bz).

Since this is true for z{x+y,xy,x+iy,xiy}z \in \{x+y,x-y,x+iy,x-iy\}, the right hand sides of the two above equations are equal. This implies that:

(Ax,y)=(x,Ay)(Ax,y) = (x,Ay)

for all x,yHx,y \in \mathcal{H}, in other words, AA is self-adjoint. \blacksquare

Corollary 2.9: If Bn,nNB_n, n \in \mathbb{N} are self-adjoint and BnBB_n \rightarrow B weakly, then BB is self-adjoint.

Proof: We have (Anx,x)(Ax,x)(A_nx,x) \rightarrow (Ax,x) for all xx. Since (Anx.x)(A_nx.x) are real, this implies that (Ax,x)(Ax,x) is real, hence AA is self-adjoint. \blacksquare