This is a compiled set of notes separated by topic on advanced algebra, based on lectures at King's College London.
Group theory
Basic definitions and properties
Definition: A group is a set G with a binary operation ⋅ such that:
⋅ is associative
⋅ has an identity element
Every g∈G has an inverse.
Z with operation +, denoted (Z,+).
Q×:−Q−0 under multiplication.
GLn(R):−{n×ninvertible real matrices } under matrix multiplication (n \geq 1).
Sn:−{permutations of{1,2,3,...,n}}.
More generally SX={bijective functions G:X→X} under composition.
Q8:− quaternion group of order 8 ={±1,±i,±j,±k} where i2=j2=k2=−1 and ij=k=−ji.
Product group: If G and H are groups then G×H with ⋅G and ⋅H operations is a group under (g,h)⋅(g′,h′)=(g⋅Gg′,h⋅Hh′) e.g. Z×S3 is a group.
Notation: Usually just write gh for g⋅h, unless (⋅ is +) and ghk for (gh)k=g(hk), g−1 for the inverse of g, gn=g⋯gntimes if n>0, g−n=(gn)−1 if n>0. g0=eG the identity element of G.
Also note: gmgn=gm+n and (gm)n=gmn for all g∈G and m,n∈Z. Note that gnhn=(gh)n in general, this only holds if G is abelian.
Cancellation law: g,h,k∈G a group, gh=gk⟹h=k, likewise for hg=kg.
Subgroups: A subgroup of a group G is a subset H⊂G such that:
Examples: Z⊂Q⊂R⊂C.
Z⊂B⊂GLn(R) where Z are the nonzero n×n scalar matrices, B are the upper-triangular invertible n×n matrices.
For any g∈G, {gn∣n∈Z} is the cyclic subgroup of G generated by g, denoted ⟨g⟩.
More generally, for any subset S⊂G, define the subgroup of G generated by S to be:
where A={subgroups H⊂G∣S⊂H}. This is the smallest subgroup of G containing S (Exercise).
Example: G=Z, m,n∈Z not both 0, ⟨{m,n}⟩=⟨d⟩ where d=gcd(m,n). G=S3, not cyclic (not even abelian): S3=⟨(12),(123)⟩.
G=G×, ⟨2,3⟩={2a3b∣a,b∈Z} If G is a group then ∣G∣ is called the order of G (may be infinite). If g∈G then the order of g is the order of ⟨g⟩ (may be infinite).
Examples: Sn has order n!. (12) has order 2, (123) has order 3, (12)(34) has order 2.