This is a compiled set of notes separated by topic on advanced algebra, based on lectures at King's College London.
Group theory: Cosets and Quotient Groups
Definition: H⊂G a subgroup of G. Translating from the left by some g∈G gives a subset gH={gh∣h∈H} which we call a left coset, also a corresponding right coset Hg={hg∣h∈H}.
Remark: H itself is a left H-coset: H=eH. Note also:
If gH∩g′H=∅, then ∃k∈gH∩g′H such that gH=kH and g′H=kH meaning gH=g′H. This means either gH=g′H or gH∩g′H=∅.
There is a bijection from H to any left H-coset gH in G:
Example: G=(Z,+), H=⟨n⟩ for some n>0. For any a∈Z there is a coset a+H={a+kn∣k∈Z}. Note H=⟨n⟩={kn∣k∈Z}.
Example: G=S3, H=⟨(123)⟩={e,(123),(132)} and (12)H={(12),(23),(13)}. Since ∣S3∣=6, these are the only two cosets.
Definition: We write G/H for the set of all left H-cosets in G. We define the index of H in G to be [G:H]=∣G/H∣ which may be infinite.
Lagrange's Theorem: If G is a finite group and H a subgroup, then ∣H∣∣∣G∣, namely ∣G∣=∣H∣⋅[G:H]. Proof: G is finite ⟹H is finite, so G/H is finite and [G:H] is finite. Let m:−[G:H]. Pick representatives g1,...,gm so that:
are disjoint. Every element of G lies in a coset, meaning:
as the cardinality of each giH is ∣H∣. ■
Corollary: For all g∈G, the order of g divides ∣G∣. Proof: Apply Lagrange's theorem to H=⟨g⟩.
Definition: A subgroup H of G is called normal if:
We write H⊲G to say H is a normal subgroup of G. We call ghg−1 the conjugate of h by g.
Definition: If H is any subgroup of G then gHg−1 is again a subgroup and is called the conjugate subgroup of H by g.
Lemma 1: A subgroup H of G is normal ⟺xHx−1=H∀x∈G. Proof: (⟹) If H⊲G⟹gHg−1⊂H. For g=x we see xHx−1⊂H, and likewise for g=x−1 we get x−1Hx⊂H, meaning H⊂xHx−1 by multiplying by x on the left and x−1 on the right, and hence H=xHx−1. The reverse direction of the proof is clear. ■
Lemma 2: Let H be a subgroup of G. H is a normal subgroup ⟺ all left and right H-cosets agree. Proof: By Lemma 1: H⊲G⟺gHg−1=H∀g∈G. Now notice gHg−1=H⟺gH=Hg. ■
If G is abelian then all its subgroups are normal.
G=S3: H=⟨(123)⟩, then eH={e,(123),(132)}=He and (12)H={(12),(23),(13)}=H(12).
G=S3: H=⟨(12)⟩={e,(12)} is not normal, i.e. (13)(12)(13)=(23)∈H.
G=GLn(R) and H=SLn(R) this is a normal subgroup as det(AB)=det(A)det(B) for n×n matrices.
Quotient Groups
For a general subgroup H≤G we have that G/H is just a set. If H⊲G then it turns out G/H has a group structure.
Lemma: Let H⊲G, the following defines a binary operation on G/H:
(G/H,⋆) is a group called the quotient group of G by H.
Proof: To show ⋆:G/H×G/H→G/H with (gH,kH)↦gH⋆kH:−gkH is well-defined. Suppose g′H=gH and k′H=kH. Then:
g′=gh1 and k′=kh2 for some h1,h2∈H.
g′k′=gh1kh2=gkk−1h1kh2=gk(k−1h1k)h2∈gkH, since H is normal. This means g′k′H=gkH, meaning ⋆ is well-defined. We can also check (G/H,⋆) is a group (Exercise).
G=Z, H=⟨n⟩ gives Z/⟨n as the integers modulo n.
H={rIn∣r∈R−{0}}⊲GLn(R) gives PGLn(R)=GLn(R)/H
Homomorphisms and Isomorphisms
Let (G,⋆) and (G′,⋆′) be groups. Definition: A function f:G→G′ is called a group homomorphism if f(g⋆h)=f(g)⋆′f(h) for all g,h∈G.
G=G′=R with ⋆=⋆′=+. This means f:R→R where x↦2x is a homomorphism, but g:R→R where x↦x2 is not a homomorphism.
G=G′=R×=R−{0} with ⋆=⋆′=⋅. This means f:R×→R× where x↦2x is not a homomorphism but g:R×→R× where x↦x2 is a homomorphism.
G=GLn(R) and f:G→G where A↦A2 is not a homomorphism if n≥1, however f:G→R× where A↦det(A) is a homomorphism.
If f:G→G′ is a group hom. then:
f(gn)=f(g)n for n∈Z.
A composite of homomorphisms is a homomorphism:
f,f′ homs: GfG′f′G′′⟹f′∘f is a hom.
Definition: f:G→G′ a group hom ⟹im(f)=f(G)⊂G′ is a subgroup, and ker(f)={g∈G∣f(g)=e′}⊂G is a subgroup.
Suppose N⊲G, then f:G→G/N, g↦gN is a homomorphism.
f is surjective ⟺im(f)=G′.
f is injective ⟺ker(f)={e}.
A bijective hom f:G→G′ is called an isomorphism, denoted f:G∼G′.
A bijective hom f:G→G is called an automorphism, denoted f:G∼G. Write G≅G′ and call G,G′ isomorphic if ∃G∼G′. "≅" is an equivalence relation on the set of groups.
f:R→R, x↦2x is an automorphism of (R,+).
f:(R,+)→(R>0,⋅), x↦ex is an isomorphism.
f:R→{(10x1)∣x∈R}, x↦(10x1)is an isomorphism of groups.
First Isomorphism Theorem: Let f:G→G′ be a group hom, and N=ker(f). Then:
f:G/N→G′, where gN↦f(g) is a well-defined injective group hom.
G/N∼im(f) with isomorphism gN↦f(g).
N=ker(f)={n∈G∣f(n)=e′}, pick any g∈G and n∈N. Then f(gng−1)=f(g)f(n)f(g)−1=f(g)f(g)−1=e′. This implies gng−1∈ker(f)=N⟹N⊲G.
Note f:G/N→G′ where gN↦f(g) is a well-defined injective group hom. Assume gN=g′N⟹g=g′n for some n∈N. This means f(g)=f(g′n)=f(g′)f(n)=f(g′)e′=f(g′) This means f(gN)=f(g′N). ker(f)={eN} which is the identity element of G/N, meaning f is injective.
G/N∼im(f) with gN↦f(g) is an injective group hom by (2), and it is surjective by construction since im(f)=im(f). ■
We may use the notation g=gN so that f(g)=f(g).