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Advanced Algebra 2


Advanced Algebra 2

This is a compiled set of notes separated by topic on advanced algebra, based on lectures at King's College London.

Group theory: Cosets and Quotient Groups

Definition: HGH \subset G a subgroup of GG. Translating from the left by some gGg \in G gives a subset gH={ghhH}gH = \{gh | h \in H\} which we call a left coset, also a corresponding right coset Hg={hghH}Hg = \{hg | h \in H\}.

Remark: H itself is a left HH-coset: H=eHH = eH. Note also:

gH=kH    g1kH    kgHgH = kH \iff g^{-1}k \in H \iff k \in gH

If gHgHgH \cap g'H \neq \varnothing, then kgHgH\exists k \in gH \cap g'H such that gH=kHgH = kH and gH=kHg'H = kH meaning gH=gHgH = g'H. This means either gH=gHgH = g'H or gHgH=gH \cap g'H = \varnothing.

There is a bijection from HH to any left HH-coset gHgH in GG:

HgHhghH \rightarrow gH \\ h \mapsto gh

Example: G=(Z,+)G = (\mathbb{Z},+), H=nH = \langle n \rangle for some n>0n >0. For any aZa \in \mathbb{Z} there is a coset a+H={a+knkZ}a+H = \{a +kn | k \in \mathbb{Z}\}. Note H=n={knkZ}H = \langle n \rangle = \{kn | k \in \mathbb{Z}\}.

Example: G=S3G = S_3, H=(123)={e,(123),(132)}H = \langle (123)\rangle = \{e,(123),(132)\} and (12)H={(12),(23),(13)}(12)H = \{(12),(23),(13)\}. Since S3=6|S_3| = 6, these are the only two cosets.

Definition: We write G/HG/H for the set of all left HH-cosets in GG. We define the index of HH in GG to be [G:H]=G/H[G:H] = |G/H| which may be infinite.

Examples: [Z:n]=Z/nZ=n[\mathbb{Z}: \langle n \rangle] = |\mathbb{Z}/n \mathbb{Z}| = n [S3:(123)]=2[S_3 : \langle (123) \rangle] = 2 [Z:{0}]=[\mathbb{Z}: \{0\}] = \infty.

Lagrange's Theorem: If GG is a finite group and HH a subgroup, then HG|H| \vert |G|, namely G=H[G:H]|G| = |H|\cdot [G:H]. Proof: GG is finite     \implies HH is finite, so G/HG/H is finite and [G:H][G:H] is finite. Let m:[G:H]m \coloneq [G:H]. Pick representatives g1,...,gmg_1,...,g_m so that:

g1H,g2H,...,gmHg_1H, g_2H,...,g_mH

are disjoint. Every element of GG lies in a coset, meaning:

G=g1Hg2H...gmH    G=mHG = g_1H \sqcup g_2H \sqcup ... \sqcup g_mH \implies |G| = m\cdot |H|

as the cardinality of each giHg_iH is H|H|. \blacksquare

Corollary: For all gGg \in G, the order of gg divides G|G|. Proof: Apply Lagrange's theorem to H=gH = \langle g \rangle.

Definition: A subgroup HH of GG is called normal if:

ghg1H gG,hhghg^{-1} \in H \ \forall g \in G, h \in h

We write HGH \lhd G to say HH is a normal subgroup of GG. We call ghg1ghg^{-1} the conjugate of hh by gg.

Definition: If HH is any subgroup of GG then gHg1gHg^{-1} is again a subgroup and is called the conjugate subgroup of HH by gg.

Lemma 1: A subgroup HH of GG is normal     xHx1=HxG\iff xHx^{-1} = H \forall x \in G. Proof: (    )(\implies) If HG    gHg1HH \lhd G \implies gHg^{-1} \subset H. For g=xg=x we see xHx1HxHx^{-1} \subset H, and likewise for g=x1g=x^{-1} we get x1HxHx^{-1}Hx \subset H, meaning HxHx1H \subset xHx^{-1} by multiplying by xx on the left and x1x^{-1} on the right, and hence H=xHx1H = xHx^{-1}. The reverse direction of the proof is clear. \blacksquare

Lemma 2: Let HH be a subgroup of GG. HH is a normal subgroup     \iff all left and right HH-cosets agree. Proof: By Lemma 1: HG    gHg1=H gGH \lhd G \iff gHg^{-1} = H \ \forall g \in G. Now notice gHg1=H    gH=HggHg^{-1} = H \iff gH = Hg. \blacksquare


  • If GG is abelian then all its subgroups are normal.
  • G=S3G = S_3: H=(123)H = \langle (123) \rangle, then eH={e,(123),(132)}=HeeH = \{e, (123),(132)\} = He and (12)H={(12),(23),(13)}=H(12)(12)H = \{(12),(23),(13)\} = H(12).
  • G=S3G = S_3: H=(12)={e,(12)}H = \langle (12)\rangle = \{e,(12)\} is not normal, i.e. (13)(12)(13)=(23)∉H(13)(12)(13) = (23) \not\in H.
  • G=GLn(R)G = GL_n(\mathbb{R}) and H=SLn(R)H = SL_n(\mathbb{R}) this is a normal subgroup as det(AB)=det(A)det(B)\det (AB) = \det(A) \det(B) for n×nn\times n matrices.

Quotient Groups

For a general subgroup HGH \leq G we have that G/HG/H is just a set. If HGH \lhd G then it turns out G/HG/H has a group structure.

Lemma: Let HGH \lhd G, the following defines a binary operation on G/HG/H:

:G/H×G/HG/H(gH,kH)gHkH:ghk\star : G/H \times G/H \rightarrow G/H \\ (gH, kH) \mapsto gH \star kH \coloneq ghk

(G/H,)(G/H,\star) is a group called the quotient group of GG by HH.

Proof: To show :G/H×G/HG/H\star : G/H \times G/H \rightarrow G/H with (gH,kH)gHkH:gkH(gH,kH) \mapsto gH \star kH \coloneq gkH is well-defined. Suppose gH=gHg'H = gH and kH=kHk'H = kH. Then:

  • g=gh1g' = gh_1 and k=kh2k'=kh_2 for some h1,h2Hh_1,h_2 \in H.
  • gk=gh1kh2=gkk1h1kh2=gk(k1h1k)h2gkHg'k' = gh_1kh_2 = gkk^{-1}h_1 k h_2 = gk (k^{-1}h_1 k)h_2 \in gkH, since HH is normal. This means gkH=gkHg'k'H = gkH, meaning \star is well-defined. We can also check (G/H,)(G/H,\star) is a group (Exercise).


  • G=ZG = \mathbb{Z}, H=nH = \langle n \rangle gives Z/n\mathbb{Z}/\langle{n} as the integers modulo nn.
  • H={rInrR{0}}GLn(R)H = \{rI_n | r \in \mathbb{R} - \{0\}\} \lhd GL_n(\mathbb{R}) gives PGLn(R)=GLn(R)/HPGL_n(\mathbb{R}) = GL_n(\mathbb{R})/H

Homomorphisms and Isomorphisms

Let (G,)(G,\star) and (G,)(G',\star ') be groups. Definition: A function f:GGf: G \rightarrow G' is called a group homomorphism if f(gh)=f(g)f(h)f(g\star h) = f(g)\star 'f(h) for all g,hGg,h \in G.


  • G=G=RG = G' = \mathbb{R} with ==+\star = \star ' = +. This means f:RRf: \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R} where x2xx \mapsto 2x is a homomorphism, but g:RRg: \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R} where xx2x \mapsto x^2 is not a homomorphism.
  • G=G=R×=R{0}G = G' = \mathbb{R}^{\times} = \mathbb{R} - \{0\} with ==\star = \star ' = \cdot. This means f:R×R×f: \mathbb{R}^{\times} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{\times} where x2xx \mapsto 2x is not a homomorphism but g:R×R×g: \mathbb{R}^{\times} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{\times} where xx2x \mapsto x^2 is a homomorphism.
  • G=GLn(R)G = GL_n(\mathbb{R}) and f:GGf: G \rightarrow G where AA2A \mapsto A^2 is not a homomorphism if n1n\geq 1, however f:GR×f:G\rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{\times} where Adet(A)A \mapsto \det(A) is a homomorphism.


  • If f:GGf: G \rightarrow G' is a group hom. then:
    • f(e)=ef(e) = e'
    • f(g1)=f(g)1f(g^{-1}) = f(g)^{-1}
    • f(gn)=f(g)nf(g^n) = f(g)^n for nZn \in \mathbb{Z}.
  • A composite of homomorphisms is a homomorphism:
    • f,ff,f' homs: GfGfG    ffG \xrightarrow{f}G' \xrightarrow{f'}G'' \implies f'\circ f is a hom.

Definition: f:GGf: G \rightarrow G' a group hom      im(f)=f(G)G\implies \ im(f) = f(G) \subset G' is a subgroup, and ker(f)={gGf(g)=e}G\ker(f) = \{g \in G | f(g) = e'\} \subset G is a subgroup.


  • Suppose NGN \lhd G, then f:GG/Nf: G \rightarrow G/N, ggNg \mapsto gN is a homomorphism.
  • ker(f)=N\ker(f) = N.


  • ff is surjective      im(f)=G\iff \ im(f) = G'.
  • ff is injective      ker(f)={e}\iff \ \ker(f) = \{e\}.


  • A bijective hom f:GGf: G \rightarrow G' is called an isomorphism, denoted f:GGf: G \xrightarrow{\sim} G'.
  • A bijective hom f:GGf: G \rightarrow G is called an automorphism, denoted f:GGf: G \xrightarrow{\sim} G. Write GGG \cong G' and call G,GG, G' isomorphic if  GG\exists \ G \xrightarrow{\sim} G'. "\cong" is an equivalence relation on the set of groups.


  • f:RRf: \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}, x2xx \mapsto 2x is an automorphism of (R,+)(\mathbb{R},+).
  • f:(R,+)(R>0,)f: (\mathbb{R},+) \rightarrow (\mathbb{R}_{>0},\cdot), xexx \mapsto e^x is an isomorphism.
  • f:R{(1x01)xR}f: \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \left\{\begin{pmatrix} 1 & x \\ 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix} | x \in \mathbb{R} \right\}, x(1x01)x \mapsto \begin{pmatrix} 1 & x \\ 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix}is an isomorphism of groups.

First Isomorphism Theorem: Let f:GGf: G \rightarrow G' be a group hom, and N=ker(f)N = \ker(f). Then:

  1. NGN \lhd G
  2. f:G/NG\overline{f} : G/N \rightarrow G', where gNf(g)gN \mapsto f(g) is a well-defined injective group hom.
  3. G/Nim(f)G/N \xrightarrow{\sim} im(f) with isomorphism gNf(g)gN \mapsto f(g).


  1. N=ker(f)={nGf(n)=e}N = \ker(f) = \{ n \in G | f(n) = e'\}, pick any gGg \in G and nNn \in N. Then f(gng1)=f(g)f(n)f(g)1=f(g)f(g)1=ef(gng^{-1}) = f(g)f(n)f(g)^{-1} = f(g)f(g)^{-1}= e'. This implies gng1ker(f)=N    NGgng^{-1} \in \ker(f) = N \implies N \lhd G.
  2. Note f:G/NG\overline{f}: G/N \rightarrow G' where gNf(g)gN \mapsto f(g) is a well-defined injective group hom. Assume gN=gN    g=gngN = g'N \implies g = g'n for some nNn \in N. This means f(g)=f(gn)=f(g)f(n)=f(g)e=f(g)f(g) = f(g'n) = f(g')f(n) = f(g')e' = f(g') This means f(gN)=f(gN)\overline{f}(gN) = \overline{f}(g'N). ker(f)={eN}\ker (\overline{f}) = \{eN\} which is the identity element of G/NG/N, meaning f\overline{f} is injective.
  3. G/Nim(f)G/N \xrightarrow{\sim} im(f) with gNf(g)gN \mapsto f(g) is an injective group hom by (2), and it is surjective by construction since im(f)=im(f)im(f) = im(\overline{f}). \blacksquare

We may use the notation g=gN\overline{g} = gN so that f(g)=f(g)\overline{f}(\overline{g}) = f(g).