Remark: If H,K⊂G are subgroups the HK is not necessarily a subgroup, for example G=S3,H=⟨(12)⟩,K=⟨(23)⟩ means HK={e,(12),(23),(123)} which doesn't include (23)(12)=(132).
Second Isomorphism Theorem: Suppose H,N⊂G are subgroups and N⊲G. Then:
H/(H∩N)→HN/N where h:−h(H∩N)↦hN is an isomorphism.
H⊲N and N⊲G, meaning x∈H∩N, h∈H, and hxh−1∈H since x∈H, hxh−1∈N since x∈N⊲G meaning hxh−1∈H∩N. This shows H∩N⊲H.
This is from N⊲G.
We have group homomorphisms:
This composition is a group hom. f:H→HN/N with image HN/N and kernel ker(f)=H∩N. By the first isomorphism theorem f:H/(H∩N)→HN/N is an isomorphism. ■
Example: H are the diagonal matrices with entries in R×. G=B+ are the upper-triangular matrices in GLn(R). N are the unipotent upper-triangular matrices in B+. The second isomorphism theorem says that H/(H∩N)∼HN/N meaning H∼B+/N.
Group Actions Let G a group X a set. Definition: An action of G on X is a map:
such that:
e⋅x=x for all x∈X
g⋅(h⋅x)=(gh)⋅x, where g,h∈G and x∈X.
We say G acts on X or X is a G-set.
H⊂G, then X=G/H is a G-set via:
G=Sn acts on X={1,2,...,n} or SX acts on X more generally.
G=Dn acts on the set V of vertices of a regular n-gon.
GLn(R) acts on Rn by A⋅v=Av.
Given any G and any X there is always a trivial action g⋅x=x for all g∈G and x∈X.
If G acts on sets X and Y then G acts on X×Y by g⋅(x,y)=(g⋅x,g⋅y) for all g∈G and x∈X,y∈Y.
If H⊂G is a subgroup of G and X is a G-set then H acts on X.
Conjugation action of G on G:g∈G and x∈X=G, conjugation defines an action:
Definition: For X a G-set and x∈G, the orbit of x is G⋅x={g⋅x∣g∈G}. The stabilizer subgroup (or isotropy subgroup) of x is Gx={g∣g⋅x=x}.
Orbit of x∈X=G under conjugation action is the conjugacy class of x.
The stabilizer subgroup of x∈X=G under conjugation is: