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Geometric Topology 1


Geometric Topology 1

Topological Basics

Definitions: A map f:XYf: X \rightarrow Y is continuous if for any open set UYU \subset Y this implies f1(U)f^{-1}(U) is open in XX.

For f:RRf: \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R} this coincides with the familiar notion of continuity in that topology.

A map f:XYf: X \rightarrow Y is a homeomorphism if ff is bijective and both ff and f1f^{-1} are continuous.

Beware of f:[0,2π)S1f: [0,2\pi) \rightarrow S^1 with f(t)=(cos(t),sin(t))f(t) = (\cos(t),\sin(t)) as ff is continuous but f1f^{-1} is not.

Let XX be a topological space, SS any subset of XX. SS becomes a topological space under the following topology:

VSV \subset S is declared open if and only if V=SUV = S \cap U where UU is open in XX.

S=[0,2π)R=XS = [0,2\pi) \subset \mathbb{R} = X and U=(π,π)U = (-\pi,\pi) open in R\mathbb{R} means V=[0,π)V = [0,\pi) is open in SS.

If XX is a topological space and \sim is an equivalence relation on XX, let Q=X/Q = X/\sim be the set of equivalence classes.

A subset UU of QQ is declared open if and only if q1(U)q^{-1}(U) is open in XX, where q:XQq: X \rightarrow Q maps xx to its equivalence class.