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Geometric Topology 2


Geometric Topology 2


Recall S1={(cos(t),sin(t)):t[0,2π)}R2S^1 = \{(\cos(t),\sin(t)): t \in [0,2\pi)\} \subset \mathbb{R}^2.


A knot is the image of a continuous injective mapping f:S1R3f: S^1 \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^3. We will assume that K=f(S1)K = f(S^1) can be surrounded by a tube of some fixed radus without intersections (this means KK is "tame").

So f:S1Kf: S^1 \rightarrow K is bijective, it follows since S1S^1 is compact and R3\mathbb{R}^3 is Hausdorff that f1f^{-1} is continuous, so S1S^1 and KK are homeomorphic.

Knots A table of the prime knots with 77 or fewer crossings

Corollary: Any two knots are homeomorphic (to a circle).

Let K=f(S1)K = f(S^1) be a (tame) knot in R3\mathbb{R}^3. We can project KK orthogonally onto any plane. Such a projection gives a valid diagram if it is 1:1 apart from over a finite number c0c \geq 0 of points of R2\mathbb{R}^2 where it is 2:1 and the branches are transversal (i.e. no "cusps" or triple-meeting points, just one crossing point for each strand of the knot). These are called crossings, each of which has an underpass and an overpass.

A "Wild" knot A "wild" knot, which we will ignore and instead focus on "tame" knots.


An arc is a strand from an underpass to an underpass. If a diagram has cc crossings it has cc arcs. A bridge is an arc with at least one overpass.


The writhe-sign of a crossing in a knot diagram is defined as the the following:

  • We assign an arbitrary "orientation" to the knot diagram by writing arrows in a certain direction along the path of the diagram until one returns to the point from which one started.
  • A sign of +1+1 is given when a crossing has the "positive xx"-axis of the crossing as an overpass and the "positive yy"-axis of the crossing therefore as an underpass. We can show this by rotating the crossing around until it is oriented with one strand in the positive xx-direction and one in the positive yy-direction.
  • A sign of 1-1 is given when the crossing has the positive xx-axis as an underpass and the positive yy-axis as an overpass.

Writhe Sign The writhe sign of a crossing.


The writhe of a knot diagram DD with cc crossings is therefore defined as:

w(D)=crossings xcwrithe-sign(x).w(D) = \sum_{\text{crossings} \ x}^c \text{writhe-sign}(x).


A link LL is a disjoint union of \ell knots in space. We say that LL has \ell components.

Some knots and links Some knots and links.


  • Any knot is a link with one component
  • If Ki,KjK_i, K_j are two oriented knots with diagrams Di,DjD_i,D_j then their linking number is:
    i,j=12xwrithe-sign(Ki,Kj)\ell_{i,j} = \frac{1}{2}\sum_x \text{writhe-sign}(K_i,K_j)
    where xx runs over all crossings between DiD_i and DjD_j.


Ambient isotopy is the "natural" notion of equivalence of knots in space. There are equivalent definitions:

  1. K0,K1K_0,K_1 are ambient isotopic if K0K_0 can be manouvered by hand in space to a possibly rescaled K1K_1.
  2. K0,K1K_0,K_1 are ambient isotopic if there exists a homomorphism F:R3R3F: \mathbb{R}^3 \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^3 that preserves orientation taking K0K_0 to K1K_1, i.e. F(K0)=K1F(K_0) = K_1.

Let K0,K1K_0,K_1 be knots in space. Choose D0,D1D_0,D_1 as diagrams to represent K0,K1K_0,K_1.

Question: How do we know from D0,D1D_0,D_1 whether K0,K1K_0,K_1 are equivalent?

Definition: Two diagrams in the plane are called isotopic if they represent knots that are ambient isotopic in space.