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Geometric Topology 15
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- Name
- Malachy Reynolds
- @MalachyReynolds
Geometric Topology 15
Final Classification
We shall now generalise the classification theorem to connected compact surfaces (-manifolds) with boundary. Such a surface can be defined by asserting that every point is contained in a subset that is homeomorphic to a closed disk in , as this allows boundary points.
This matches the definition of a triangulation defined previously, and we can always regard such a surface with boundary as a quotient of a single polygon whose own boundary is defined by a word in which each letter appears twice or once.
If the boundary is empty, our previous theorem asserts that we can convert into one of the normal forms:
for , with
for .
To allow for a boundary, it turns out we merely need to add one or more cuffs with groups of letters:
for , with .
The exact choice of letters is immaterial provided they do not clash.
Topological Type
Main Theorem (v3): Any connected compact surface with boundary (possibly empty) arises from a polygon and a single word of exactly one of the following types:
- or with , or with and .
- with and .
The integer represents the number of boundary components. Since the removal of a disk (homeomorphic to the interior of a triangle) affects only , it reduces by . This can also be understood by tracing vertices and counting edges in the normal forms above:
- .
Both and are topological invariants, meaning that homeomorphic surfaces have the same values. In case (1), is again called the genus of the orientable surface. We have now justified the preview we initially gave of this theorem.
Corollary: The topological type (homeomorphism class) of a connected compact surface is entirely determined by its orientability, together with and .
A Trickier Example
We previously showed that:
The left-hand word encodes the insertion of distinct edges in the two bottom corners of the square defining the torus . Let's see what happens when we replace with :
Example: The boundary code determines a non-orientable surface with boundary. Since , it could be or .
We can see pictorially that the naked edge cannot be combined with the edge to get a common boundary, so and the normal form is .
Cuffs occur naturally in an attempt to convert a word into normal form. But one may also be left with one or more naked letters, like above. One can convert them into cuffs using the trick we used previously, which shows how a single letter can be 'passed through' . The next lemma establishes the analogous result when is replaced by .
Commutation Relations
Lemma A: Represent by . Let be a word, where is any group of letters not involving . Then , using the operations we defined previously.
Proof: This is accomplished by means of four (cut and paste) substitutions, each of which moves into a different position within the group (in the order ).
Note that merely acts as a buffer in the proof:
Together with the easier result that , Lemma A is an ingredient in completing the proof of theorem v3. For, if we are left with a word of the form , we can deduce that .
Genus of a Knot
Definition: The genus of a knot is the least genus of any orientable surface that it bounds. It is therefore a knot invariant.
If then bounds a disk and is the unknot. It is also known that:
- is also achieved by Seifert's algorithm if the knot is alternating, but not in general.
- The genus of a connected sum is additive: . The connected sum requires one to first select an orientation for each knot, and in general its ambient isotopy class will depend on this choice.
Example: The Seifert surface of the Whitehead link has:
Therefore is homeomorphic to a torus minus two disjoint disks, though this may not be obvious from its picture!
Connected Sum of Surfaces
We know that any connected compact surface without boundary is a sphere with either handles or crosscaps. This can be made precise using the concept of connected sum. The latter is easiest to define combinatorially in the first instance.
Definition: Let be two surfaces without boundary described as quotients of polygons by words without letters in common. Their connected sum is the surface (denoted by ) defined by , i.e. the operation of juxtaposition.
To regard as the boundary of a new polygon, we need to 'cut' the boundary of where starts/ends and insert (also cut from ). For the definition to make sense, we should be able to insert between any two edges of . Indeed, the surface defined by must only depend on those defined by and :
Lemma J: Suppose that have even length and no unpaired letters, and similarly. If for then .
Recall that means that one can be obtained from the other by a sequence of operations we defined previously, and the quotients and are then homeomorphic.
Rearranging Independent Words
Lemma J provides a shortcut to dreaming up a sequence of valid operations on words to produce homeomorphic surfaces. We shall illustrate it with examples in place of a proof. Note that must be 'independent' (meaning no letters in common).
- Take (, for example), and . We know that by rotation, so the theorem implies:
We can deduce this by a (cut and paste) substitution, inverting what we did in a previous example:
- Lemma J implies that:
which is also a consequence of lemma A. One might encounter the left-hand word during conversion to normal form.
Geometrical Interpretation
Given a word not containing the letter , we have:
Each summand represents (taken alone) a surface minus a disk. The valid pasting operation identifies their boundaries circles , so they 'stick together' as a single connected surface. Lemma J is a way of asserting that it does not matter from which parts of the respective surfaces the disks are removed.
We can interpret the word as the connected sum of with a sphere, which is of course homeomorphic to .
Take and . A disk is removed from and one from , allowing the boundary circles to be glued to obtain . We now know that:
Here denotes 'same homeomorphism class'.
Further Properties
For homeomorphism classes of surfaces, the connected sum operation is associative (since ). It is commutative since (since ). Note that acts as the identity (since , and we are attaching a sphere).
Provided that has no single letters (so has no boundary) it is true that , since adding the cuff does not affect the topology. This can be regarded as an extension of Lemma J. Similarly for , hence:
where . The last word represents a surface in which (if in space) are joined by a tube. The image shows two ways of visualising .
Euler Characteristics
Proposition: .
Proof: Compute by counting arising from or by joining across a triangle whose interior is removed.
Example: Take a connected graph in space with vertices and edges. Place a sphere at each vertex, and attach a tube between spheres for each edge, so as to form an oriented surface of genus . Unless the graph has no cycles (so is a tree), cannot be a connected sum of spheres, since we will be adding a handle from a surface to itself at some point. Nevertheless, we can apply the proposition to deduce that:
If is a planar graph, and is drawn in the plane with internal regions, then it is clear that is a sphere with handles, which is consistent with Euler's formula .