Geometric Topology 16
Paths in Topological Spaces
From now on X will denote a topological space. Here are some examples:
- Euclidean space Rn, including the real line, the plane and ordinary space (n=1,2,3). The Argand plane C, which unlike R2 is 'pre-oriented'.
- The n-dimensional sphere Sn={v∈Rn+1:∥v∥=1}, which is compact. Basic topology asserts that Sn minus a point is homeomorphic to Rn.
- The n-dimensional torus Tn, which is homeomorphic to the product S1×⋯×S1 of n circles, and to the quotient (group and top. space) Rn/Zn. The 3-torus T3 is obtained from a solid cube by identifying opposite sides.
- Any graph in R2 or R3, including the figure-eight "∞"≈q(∂P) arising from the boundary code aba−1b−1 of the square P representing T.
- Any surface, in particular an orientable MY,g,r or a non-orientable MN,h,r.
- More general quotients of polygons like ′xxx′ that are not locally Euclidean.
- The complement of a knot (this 3-manifold is an open subset of R3 or S3).
Joining Paths
Let X be a topological space, x0,x1∈X. Let I=[0,1].
Definition: A path from x0 to x1 is a continuous map α:I→X such that α(0)=x0 and α(1)=x1. There is no requirement for α to be injective. If x0=x1 then it is called a loop based at x0. Once x0 is fixed, s↦x0 (∀s) defines the constant loop ε at x0.
Assume that X is path-connected, i.e. any two points of X can be joined by a path. This implies that X is connected; these two properties are equivalent for surfaces.
If α is a path from x0 to x1, and β is a path from x1 to x2, then αβ will denote the concatenated path, defined by traversing α then β both at double speed:
s↦{α(2s)β(2s−1)if s∈[0,21]if s∈[21,1]. This is continuous: its image has no 'gap'.
We can define αβγ as (αβ)γ, or else divide into thirds (it won't really matter, we will see later). We also define a 'backwards path' α−1 by α−1(s)=α(1−s).
Homotopy of Paths
Definition: Fix x0,x1∈X. Two paths α,β from x0 to x1 are path-homotopic if there exists a continuous mapping H:I2→X such that:
H(s,t)={α(s)β(s)if t=0if t=1, and {x0x1if s=0if s=1. We will write α≊β or α≊Hβ.
The map H represents the deformation of the paths fixing their endpoints, and it helps to write H(s,t)=Ht(s) so H0=α and H1=β.
Ordinary homotopy (α≃β) would only insist on the left-hand equations, and then any path starting from x0 would be homotopic to ε by setting H(s,t)=α((1−t)s).
Lemma 0: ≊ is an equivalence relation on the set of all paths from x0 to x1. We will denote such an equivalence class by [α].
Proof: To see α≊α, take F(s,t)=α(s) ∀t. To see that α≊Fβ implies β≊α, take:
G(s,t)=F(s,1−t). To see that α≊Fβ and β≊Gγ implies that α≊γ, take:
H(s,t)={F(s,2t)G(s,2t−1) if t∈[0,21] if t∈[21,1], so this time speed is doubled vertically. To see that H is continuous, it suffices to show that if C is a closed subset of X then H−1(C) is a closed subset of I. Let A=I×[0,21] and B=I×[21,1], noting that the squashed versions F~,G~ agree on A∩B (where t=21). Then:
H−1(C)=(F~−1(C)∩A)∪(G~−1(C)∩B) is the union of two closed subsets of I. ■
Loops in a Graph
Any graph can be regarded as a subset of R3, so that edges only meet at vertices. The diagram shows that K4 (the complete tetrahedral graph with 4 vertices) is planar, since it can be embedded as a subset of R2. Each face defines a loop based at x0 by concatenation:
α=bda−1,β=aec−1,γ=cf−1b−1,δ=bdef−1b−1. Note that δ resembles insertion of a cuff at the vertex x0 of a polygon. Moreover αa=bda−1a≊bd. This path-homotopy will be proved in the following section, but matches our treatment of boundary codes.
Using similar equivalences:
δ≊(αa)(a−1βc)(c−1γb)b−1≊αβγ. We shall show that this path-homotopy of loops can be interpreted as a relation in the so-called fundamental group. The latter is generated by the path-homotopy classes of loops based at a fixed point of a topological space (like x0 in K4).