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Geometric Topology 18


Geometric Topology 18

The Fundamental Group of a Graph

Fix the basepoint x0K4x_0 \in K_4 as before. Recall the loops:

α=bda1,β=aec1,γ=cf1b1,δ=bdef1b1.\alpha = bda^{-1}, \\ \beta = aec^{-1}, \\ \gamma = cf^{-1}b^{-1}, \\ \delta = bdef^{-1}b^{-1}.

Since pairs like cc1cc^{-1} are path-homotopic to constant loops, we recover path-homotopy:

δ(αa)(α1βc)(c1γb)b1αβγ.\delta \approxeq (\alpha a)(\alpha^{-1}\beta c)(c^{-1}\gamma b)b^{-1} \approxeq \alpha \beta \gamma.

This gives rise to a relation [δ]=[α][β][γ][\delta] = [\alpha][\beta][\gamma] in G=π1(K4,x0)G = \pi_1(K_4,x_0). In fact GG is generated by any three of these loops, for example [α],[β],[γ][\alpha],[\beta],[\gamma], with no relations between them, and is the free group F3F_3.

The fundamental group of any graph is known to be isomorphic to the free group FnF_n on nn generators, where n=EV+1n = E - V + 1 is the number of edges remaining when a spanning tree is removed (each such edge defining a loop). But first we must prove that π1(S1)F1\pi_1(S^1) \cong F_1 (Z\mathbb{Z} in additive notation), the special case V=E=n=1V = E = n = 1.

Covering Spaces

Definition: Let Z,XZ,X be topological spaces. Then:

p:ZXp : Z \rightarrow X

is a covering map if each point xXx \in X lies in some open set UU for which p1Up^{-1}U is a disjoint union of open subsets ViV_i of ZZ such that pVip \vert_{V_i} maps ViV_i homeomorphically onto UU.

The ViV_i are 'sheets' of the covering. It follows that a subset WW of XX is open if and only if p1(W)p^{-1}(W) is open, so pp is continuous and XX is the quotient of ZZ by the equivalence relation zz    p(z)=p(z)z \equiv z' \iff p(z) = p(z').


  1. p:RS1p:\mathbb{R} \rightarrow S^1 defined by p(s)=e2πis=(cos(2πs),sin(2πs))p(s) = e^{2\pi i s} = (\cos(2\pi s), \sin(2 \pi s)).
  2. p:S1S1p: S^1 \rightarrow S^1 with p(z)=zkp(z) = z^k where zC,z=1z \in \mathbb{C}, |z| = 1, and kZk \in \mathbb{Z}.
  3. p:SnSn^p: S^n \rightarrow \hat{S^n}, where Sn^\hat{S^n} is the space of equivalence classes {v,v}\{v,-v\} so pp is 2:12:1. The quotient (denoted RPn\mathbb{RP}^n) is called real projective space, and parametrizes straight lines through the origin in Rn+1\mathbb{R}^{n+1}. RP2\mathbb{RP}^2 is homeomorphic to the surface PP with χ=1\chi = 1.

Lifting Maps Uniquely

Convention: From now on 'map' means 'continuous mapping'.

Definition: Given a covering map p:ZXp: Z \rightarrow X and a map f:YXf: Y \rightarrow X, a lift of ff is any map f~:YZ\tilde{f} : Y \rightarrow Z such that:

f=pf~,f = p \circ \tilde{f},

so that:

p(f~(y))=f(y) yY.p(\tilde{f}(y)) = f(y) \ \forall y \in Y.

Proposition: If YY is connected, any two lifts f~,f^\tilde{f},\hat{f} that agree at one point are equal.

Proof: Suppose f~(y0)=f^(y0)\tilde{f}(y_0) = \hat{f}(y_0), and consider the subset:

A={yY:f~(y)=f^(y)}y0.A = \{y \in Y : \tilde{f}(y) = \hat{f}(y)\} \ni y_0.

Let yAy \in A; then f~(y)Vi\tilde{f}(y) \in V_i for some ii. Since p:ViUp: V_i \rightarrow U is a bijection, f~,f^\tilde{f},\hat{f} must agree on the entire open set:

f~1(Vi)=f^1(Vi)=f1(U).\tilde{f}^{-1}(V_i) = \hat{f}^{-1}(V_i) = f^{-1}(U).

It follows that AA is an open subset of YY. A similar argument (with f~(y),f^(y)\tilde{f}(y),\hat{f}(y) in disjoint sheets) shows that the complement YAY - A is also open. Since YY is connected, A=YA=Y. \blacksquare

We shall apply this proposition to the case in which Y=IY = I and f=αf = \alpha is a path or loop.