Geometric Topology 18
The Fundamental Group of a Graph
Fix the basepoint x0∈K4 as before. Recall the loops:
α=bda−1,β=aec−1,γ=cf−1b−1,δ=bdef−1b−1. Since pairs like cc−1 are path-homotopic to constant loops, we recover path-homotopy:
δ≊(αa)(α−1βc)(c−1γb)b−1≊αβγ. This gives rise to a relation [δ]=[α][β][γ] in G=π1(K4,x0). In fact G is generated by any three of these loops, for example [α],[β],[γ], with no relations between them, and is the free group F3.
The fundamental group of any graph is known to be isomorphic to the free group Fn on n generators, where n=E−V+1 is the number of edges remaining when a spanning tree is removed (each such edge defining a loop). But first we must prove that π1(S1)≅F1 (Z in additive notation), the special case V=E=n=1.
Covering Spaces
Definition: Let Z,X be topological spaces. Then:
p:Z→X is a covering map if each point x∈X lies in some open set U for which p−1U is a disjoint union of open subsets Vi of Z such that p∣Vi maps Vi homeomorphically onto U.
The Vi are 'sheets' of the covering. It follows that a subset W of X is open if and only if p−1(W) is open, so p is continuous and X is the quotient of Z by the equivalence relation z≡z′⟺p(z)=p(z′).
- p:R→S1 defined by p(s)=e2πis=(cos(2πs),sin(2πs)).
- p:S1→S1 with p(z)=zk where z∈C,∣z∣=1, and k∈Z.
- p:Sn→Sn^, where Sn^ is the space of equivalence classes {v,−v} so p is 2:1. The quotient (denoted RPn) is called real projective space, and parametrizes straight lines through the origin in Rn+1. RP2 is homeomorphic to the surface P with χ=1.
Lifting Maps Uniquely
Convention: From now on 'map' means 'continuous mapping'.
Definition: Given a covering map p:Z→X and a map f:Y→X, a lift of f is any map f~:Y→Z such that:
f=p∘f~, so that:
p(f~(y))=f(y) ∀y∈Y. Proposition: If Y is connected, any two lifts f~,f^ that agree at one point are equal.
Proof: Suppose f~(y0)=f^(y0), and consider the subset:
A={y∈Y:f~(y)=f^(y)}∋y0. Let y∈A; then f~(y)∈Vi for some i. Since p:Vi→U is a bijection, f~,f^ must agree on the entire open set:
f~−1(Vi)=f^−1(Vi)=f−1(U). It follows that A is an open subset of Y. A similar argument (with f~(y),f^(y) in disjoint sheets) shows that the complement Y−A is also open. Since Y is connected, A=Y. ■
We shall apply this proposition to the case in which Y=I and f=α is a path or loop.