As an abstract topological space, we know that T=I^2 is the quotient of the unit square by means of the word aba−1b−1. With this description, a and b define loops in T based at the unique vertex x0∈T.
The picture describes a homotopy aba−1b−1≊ε. Thus [a][b][a]−1[b]−1=e, and:
in π1(T,x0). The latter is an abelian group isomorphic to Z2=Z×Z, and T is a quotient group:
Properties of π1
Suppose that X is a path-connected topological space. Let x0,x1∈X, and choose a path σ from x0 to x1. Define a map ϕσ:π1(X,x0)→π1(X,x1) by:
It is well-defined.
Lemma 5:α≊α′ implies that σ−1ασ≊σ−1α′σ. The map is also a group homomorphism:
Lemma 6:σ−1(αβ)σ≊(σ−1ασ)(σ−1βσ).
Lemma 7:ϕσ is bijective.
It follows that π1(X,x0)≅π1(X,x1) as abstract groups, so we can speak of 'the' fundamental group π1(X).
Suppose that X,Y are topological spaces and f:X→Y is continuous.
Definition: The induced mapping on fundamental groups is:
given by f∗[α]=[f∘α]. f∗ is well-defined, because we can compose a homotopy Ht:α≊α′ by applying f to it.
It is equally obvious that 1∗=1 and (g∘f)∗=g∗∘f∗.
If f is a homeomorphism, we can take g=f−1 to deduce that f∗ is an isomorphism of groups:
Corollary: If X is homeomorphic to Y (often written X≈Y) then π1(X)≅π1(Y).
Simple Spaces
Definition: A topological space X is simply-connected if it is path-connected and π1(X)={e} is the trivial group.
An obvious example is Rn. Take x0 as the origin. Given a loop α based at x0, we can define H(s,t)=α(s)t in order to 'shrink' α to a point. So α≊ε and [α]=e.
In fact Rn has the much stronger property of being contractible, meaning that the whole space is homotopic to a point, i.e. there exists x0∈X and a map H:X×I→X such that:
More examples: A star-shaped domain in C, a tree (a connected graph with no cycles).
There are many spaces that are simply-connected but not contractible, such as Sn for n≥2. For simplicity, consider S=S2; the open set S2−{n} (where n=(0,0,1)) is homeomorphic to R2 via stereographic projection, and any loop α (based at say s) can be deformed so as to avoid n, hence shrunk to a point.