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Geometric Topology 21


Geometric Topology 21

The van Kampen Theorem

We shall state versions of this result without proof.

Recall that π1(X,x0)\pi_1(X,x_0) denotes the fundamental group of a topological space XX consisting of equivalence classes of loops based at x0x_0 (under \approxeq). If XX is path-connected we saw previously that it is independent of x0x_0 (up to isomorphism).

The vK theorem will allow us to compute π1\pi_1 of a space XX which is the union of two open subsets U,VU,V with path-connected intersection UVU \cap V (the sphere S2S^2 being a case in point). The inclusions i,j,I,Ji,j,I,J give rise to induced homomorphisms i,j,I,Ji_*,j_*,I_*,J_* by composition i:[α][iα]i_* : [\alpha] \mapsto [i \circ \alpha] etc.

x0UViUIXx0UVjVJX,x_0 \in U \cap V \xrightarrow{i} U \xrightarrow{I} X \\ x_0 \in U \cap V \xrightarrow{j} V \xrightarrow{J} X,


π1(UV)iπ1(U)Iπ1(X)π1(UV)jπ1(V)Jπ1(X)\pi_1(U \cap V) \xrightarrow{i_*} \pi_1(U) \xrightarrow{I_*} \pi_1(X)\\ \pi_1(U \cap V) \xrightarrow{j_*} \pi_1(V) \xrightarrow{J_*} \pi_1(X)

Where we have chosen a basepoint x0UVx_0 \in U \cap V and π1(A)\pi_1(A) denotes π1(A,x0)\pi_1(A,x_0). The resulting diagrams commute.

Homotopy of Maps and Spaces

This notion was introduced in a previous section. Let X,YX,Y be path-connected spaces.


  1. Two maps f0,f1:XYf_0,f_1 : X \rightarrow Y are homotopic (written f0f1f_0 \simeq f_1) if there exists a map H:X×IYH: X \times I \rightarrow Y such that H0=f0H_0 = f_0 and H1=f1H_1 = f_1.
  2. The spaces X×YX \times Y are themselves called homotopic (written XYX \simeq Y) if there exist maps f:XYf: X \rightarrow Y and g:YXg: Y \rightarrow X such that gf1Xg \circ f \simeq 1_X and fg1Yf \circ g \simeq 1_Y.
  3. If XYX \subset Y then XX is called a (strong) deformation retract of YY if ff is the inclusion, gf=1Xg \circ f = 1_X, and fgH1Yf \circ g \simeq_H 1_Y via a homotopy HH such that Ht(x)=x xXH_t(x) = x \ \forall x \in X.

Example: S1S^1 is a deformation retract of Y=C=C{0}Y = \mathbb{C}^* = \mathbb{C} - \{0\}. To see this, take g(z)=zzg(z) = \frac{z}{|z|} and H(z,t)=(1t)zz+tzH(z,t) = \frac{(1-t)z}{|z|} + tz.

Proposition: If XYX \simeq Y then π1(X)π1(Y)\pi_1(X) \cong \pi_1(Y).

This is easy to prove in the case of a deformation retract, by composing loops with gg. The proposition generalises a previous corollary.

First Version of van Kampen's Theorem

Theorem vK1: If UVU \cap V is simply-connected, then π1(X)π1(U)π1(V)\pi_1(X) \cong \pi_1(U) {\Large*} \pi_1(V).

Example: In the description of a torus TT as the quotient of a square P\mathscr{P}, its boundary P\partial \mathscr{P} maps to the 'wedge' S1S1S^1 \vee S^1 of two circles, homeomorphic to the figure-eight. Call this space XX. The circles can be enlarged into open sets U,VU,V with U,VS1U,V \simeq S^1, and UVU \cap V a 'cross'. This cross is homotopic to a point: the arcs can be continuously shortened until the figure has been collapsed to the central vertex vv. This point is a deformation retract of the cross; one says that UVU \cap V retracts to vv.

Then vk1 and the previous proposition imply that:

π1(S1S1)π1(S1)π1(S1)F1F1=F2.\pi_1 (S^1 \vee S^1) \cong \pi_1(S^1) {\Large*} \pi_1(S^1) \cong F_1 {\Large*} F_1 = F_2.

If we regard the figure-eight XX as a graph, then {v}\{v\} is itself a minimal spanning tree (MST). It is a general result that the fundamental group of a graph is isomorphic to FnF_n where n=E(V1)n=E-(V-1) is the number of edges not in a MST.

Second Version of van Kampen's Theorem

If K=π1(UV)K = \pi_1(U \cap V) is non-trivial, it will modify the free-product π1(U)π1(V)\pi_1(U) {\Large*} \pi_1(V). The idea is that the classes of loops in UVU \cap V (which ii_* and jj_* map to π1(U)\pi_1(U) and π1(V)\pi_1(V)) cannot count twice in computing π1(UV)\pi_1(U \cap V).

Theorem 2 [van Kampen, Seifert]: With U,VU,V still open and UVU \cap V path-connected, the fundamental group of X=UVX = U \cup V is isomorphic to the amalgamated product:

π1(U)Kπ1(V)=(π1(U)π1(V))/N,\pi_1(U) {\Large*}_K \pi_1(V) = (\pi_1(U) {\Large*} \pi_1(V))/N,

where NN is the smallest normal subgroup containing all elements i(k)1j(k),kKi_*(k)^{-1}j_*(k), k \in K.

Example: Take X=TX = T. Let oo be the centre of the square P\mathscr{P}, o^\hat{o} its image in T=P^T = \hat{\mathscr{P}}, and U=T{o^}U = T - \{\hat{o}\}. Then UU retracts to the boundary P^\hat{\partial \mathscr{P}} of the unique face of TT, and:

UP^    π1(U)π1(P^)F2.U \simeq \hat{\partial \mathscr{P}} \implies \pi_1(U) \cong \pi_1(\hat{\partial \mathscr{P}}) \cong F_2.

Now take VV to a small open disk (or square) containing o^\hat{o}. Then UVU \cap V is homotopic to P\partial \mathscr{P} and a circle, and ii_* maps the generator of π1(UV)\pi_1(U \cap V) to the class aba1b1aba^{-1}b^{-1} in π1(U)\pi_1(U) whilst π1(V)={e}\pi_1(V) = \{e\} is trivial. Therefore NN is the smallest normal subgroup of π1(U)π1(V)F2\pi_1(U) {\Large*} \pi_1(V) \cong F_2 containing aba1b1aba^{-1}b^{-1}, and π1(T)a,baba1b1\pi_1(T) \cong \langle a,b | aba^{-1}b^{-1} \rangle.

The Fundamental Groups of Spheres

Theorem: SnS^n is simply connected (i.e. π1(Sn){e}\pi_1(S^n) \cong \{e\}) if n2n \geq 2.

One proof exploits the fact that SnS^n minus a point is homeomorphic to Rn\mathbb{R}^n. Any loop in SnS^n can then be regarded as a loop in Rn\mathbb{R}^n based at the origin, and H(s,t)=(1t)α(s)H(s,t) = (1-t)\alpha(s) deforms it to the constant loop.

Proof using vK2: Fix n2n \geq 2. Then SnS^n is the union of 3/43/4-spheres:

U={(x1,...,xn+1:xi2=1,xn+112)}V={(x1,...,xn+1:xi2=1,xn+112)},U = \{(x_1,...,x_{n+1} : \sum x_i^2 = 1, x_{n+1} \geq -\frac{1}{2})\} \\ V = \{(x_1,...,x_{n+1} : \sum x_i^2 = 1, x_{n+1} \leq \frac{1}{2})\},

each homeomorphic to a disk, and simply-connected. The 'equator' xn+1=0x_{n+1} = 0 can be identified with Sn1S^{n-1}, and is path-connected for n2n \geq 2. By theorem vK2, π1(Sn)\pi_1(S^n) is a quotient of the free group F=π1(U)π1(V)={e}F = \pi_1(U) {\Large*} \pi_1(V) = \{e\}, and is therefore trivial. \blacksquare

If we accept that S2S^2 is simply-connected, we can deduce by induction that SnS^n is for n3n \geq 3, using only vk1. For the equator Sn1S^{n-1} above is a deformation retract of UVU \cap V. So now all of U,V,UVU,V,U \cap V are simply-connected for n3n \geq 3.