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Geometric Topology 22


Geometric Topology 22

The Fundamental Group of a Surface of Genus 3

Let M\mathscr{M} be an orientable surface of genus 33 without boundary. It can be constructed as the quotient of a 1212-sided polygon P\mathscr{P}, whose boundary code has the normal form:

A3=a1b1a11b11a2b2a21b21a3b3a31b31=[a1,b1][a2,b2][a3,b3].\mathbb{A}_3 = a_1b_1a_1^{-1}b_1^{-1}a_2b_2a_2^{-1}b_2^{-1}a_3b_3a_3^{-1}b_3^{-1} = [a_1,b_1][a_2,b_2][a_3,b_3].

Because all the vertices map to a unique point x0Mx_0 \in \mathscr{M}, each of the 1212 edges of P\mathscr{P} (suitably parametrized) maps to a loop in M\mathscr{M}, and an element in π1(M,x0)\pi_1(\mathscr{M},x_0).

To determine π1(M,x0)\pi_1(\mathscr{M},x_0), we repeat the argument with M\mathscr{M} in place of TT, but in more detail motivated by the image of P\mathscr{P} following, which qq maps onto M\mathscr{M}. The proof divides into the following steps:

  1. Take UU to be M\mathscr{M} minus the image of a small disk around the centre of the 1212-gon P\mathscr{P}, and take VV to be the image of the larger disk centred at o^\hat{o}. Then UU can be deformed to the image of the boundary of P\mathscr{P}, and is homotopic to a wedge of 66 circles, whereas UVU \cap V is an annulus homotopic to S1S^1:

    U6S1,V{o^}UVS1.U \simeq \bigvee_6 S^1, \\ V \simeq \{\hat{o}\} \\ U \cap V \simeq S^1.
  2. It follows that π1(U)\pi_1(U) is a free group on 66 letters a1,a2,a3,b1,b2,b3a_1,a_2,a_3,b_1,b_2,b_3, which we shall now (by abuse of notation) regard as path-homotopy classes (so a1a_1 really stands for [a1][a_1] etc.). On the other hand, π1(V)\pi_1(V) is trivial, and π1(UV)Z\pi_1(U \cap V) \cong \mathbb{Z}.

  3. The homomorphism i:π1(UV)π1(U)i_* : \pi_1(U \cap V) \rightarrow \pi_1(U) maps the (clockwise) generator of K=π1(UV)K = \pi_1(U \cap V) to A3\mathbb{A}_3, interpreted as a product of 1212 elements of π1(M,x0)\pi_1(\mathscr{M},x_0).

  4. Theorem vK2 implies that π1(M)\pi_1(\mathscr{M}) is the quotient of the free product:

    π1(U)π1(V)π1(U)\pi_1(U) {\Large*} \pi_1(V) \cong \pi_1(U)

    by the normal subgroup NN generated by A3\mathbb{A}_3. Thus:

    π1(M)π1(U)Kπ1(V)F6K{e}F6/Na1,...,b3[a1,b1][a2,b2][a3,b3].\pi_1(\mathscr{M}) \cong \pi_1(U) {\Large*}_K \pi_1(V) \\ \cong F_6 {\Large*}_K \{e\} \\ \cong F_6/N \\ \cong \langle a_1,...,b_3 | [a_1,b_1][a_2,b_2][a_3,b_3]\rangle.


Recall our notation for normal forms for the boundary codes. Each letter defines a loop in M\mathscr{M} (as all vertices map to the same point, call it x0x_0), and we use the same letter to denote an element of π1(M,x0)\pi_1(\mathscr{M},x_0). In this way, the code becomes the relator:

Ag=(a1b1a11b11)(agbgag1bg1), g1Ch=(c1c1)(chch), h1Dr=(u1d1u11)(urdrur1), r1.\mathbb{A}_g = (a_1b_1a_1^{-1}b_1^{-1})\cdots (a_gb_ga_g^{-1}b_g^{-1}), \ g \geq 1 \\ \mathbb{C}_h = (c_1c_1) \cdots (c_hc_h), \ h \geq 1 \\ \mathbb{D}_r = (u_1d_1u_1^{-1}) \cdots (u_r d_r u_r^{-1}), \ r \geq 1.

If M\mathscr{M} is an orientable surface of genus gg and no boundary, then:

π1(M)a1,...,ag,b1,...mbgAg.\pi_1(\mathscr{M}) \cong \langle a_1, ..., a_g, b_1 , ...m b_g | \mathbb{A}_g \rangle.

It is abelian if and only if g=0g =0 or g=1g=1, and M\mathscr{M} is the sphere S=S2S = S^2 or torus T=T2T = T^2.

If N\mathscr{N} is a non-orientable surface with χ=2h\chi = 2-h and no boundary, then:

π1(M)c1,...,chc12ch2.\pi_1(\mathscr{M}) \cong \langle c_1, ... , c_h | c_1^2 \cdots c_h^2 \rangle.

It is abelian (and finite) if and only if h=1h=1 and N\mathscr{N} is the projective plane PP.

If M\mathscr{M}' is an orientable surface of genus gg with (for example) r=1r=1 boundary component:

π1(M)a1,...,ag,b1,...,bg,dAgda1,...,ag,b1,...,bgF2g.\pi_1 (\mathscr{M}) \cong \langle a_1,...,a_g,b_1,...,b_g,d | \mathbb{A}_g d \rangle \cong \langle a_1,...,a_g,b_1,...,b_g \rangle \cong F_{2g}.

Knot Complements

Let KK be a knot in space. The aim of this final section is to describe the fundamental group π1(R3K)\pi_1(\mathbb{R}^3 - K) of the knot complement, which is a 33-manifold.

Let KK be an unknot represented by S1R2R3S^1 \subset \mathbb{R}^2 \subset \mathbb{R}^3, and fix a basepoint x0x_0. An obvious element of π1(R3S1,x0)\pi_1(\mathbb{R}^3 - S^1,x_0) is [α1][\alpha_1] where α1\alpha_1 wraps once around S1S^1. It is intuitively clear that:

π1(R3S1,x0)={[α1]n:nZ}F1.\pi_1(\mathbb{R}^3 - S^1,x_0) = \{[\alpha_1]^n : n \in \mathbb{Z}\} \cong F_1.

One can make this rigorous by first using Theorem vK1 to show that:

π1(R3S1)π1(S3S1).\pi_1(\mathbb{R}^3 - S^1) \cong \pi_1(S^3 - S_1).

Then S3S1S^3 - S_1 can be retracted onto another circle (think Hopf link and Clifford torus). So π1(S3S1)π1(S1)\pi_1(S^3 - S_1) \cong \pi_1(S^1).

The following result that we cite is deeper:

Theorem: If KK is a knot and π1(R3K)F1\pi_1(\mathbb{R}^3 - K) \cong F_1 then KK is ambient isotopic to an unknot.

Arcs, Loops and Crossings

Motivated by the case of the unknot, let KK be a knot and 'flatten' it to resemble a diagram DD, above which we place our basepoint x0x_0. Choose an orientation for DD.

If DD has cc crossings, then it has cc arcs (connected strands). Place loops α1,...,αc\alpha_1,...,\alpha_c based at x0x_0 around each (think puppet strings), satisfying the right-hand rule.

Suppose that at a particular crossing with positive writhe sign α=αi\alpha = \alpha_i overpasses β=αj\beta = \alpha_j leading to γ=αk\gamma = \alpha_k. Then the picture following shows that:

α1βαγ,\alpha^{-1}\beta \alpha \approxeq \gamma,


[αi]1[αj][αi]=[αk].[\alpha_i]^{-1}[\alpha_j][\alpha_i] = [\alpha_k].

At a negative writhe crossing:

[αi][αj][αi]1=[αk].[\alpha_i][\alpha_j][\alpha_i]^{-1} = [\alpha_k].

The fundamental group π1(R3K)\pi_1(\mathbb{R}^3 - K) is then characterised by such 'conjugation' equations, one for each crossing. However it can be shown that one relation is always redundant, in an analogy with the colouring relations.

Final Remarks

Theorem vK2 can be used to prove that the knot group π1(R3K)\pi_1(\mathbb{R}^3 - K) is generated by the loops α1,...,αc\alpha_1,...,\alpha_c associated to the arcs of a knot diagram, subject to any c1c-1 of the crossing relations:

[αi][αj][αi]1=[αk][\alpha_i][\alpha_j][\alpha_i]^{-1} = [\alpha_k]

For a torus knot of type (p,q)(p,q) (with p,qp,q positive coprime integers), we have:

π1(R3K)a,bapbq.\pi_1(\mathbb{R}^3 - K) \cong \langle a,b | a^pb^{-q} \rangle.

The nature of π1(R3K)\pi_1(\mathbb{R}^3 - K) permits one to construct finite covering spaces of R3K\mathbb{R}^3 - K (e.g. one based on the group S3S_3 if KK is a trefoil so (p,q)=(3,2)(p,q) = (3,2)). This idea underlies work of William Thurston, which revolutionised the study of 33-manifolds.

If K=31K = 3_1, then S3KS^3 - K is SL(2,R)/SL(2,Z)SL(2,\mathbb{R})/SL(2,\mathbb{Z}), giving a link with the Lorenz attractor. If K=41K = 4_1 then S3KS^3 - K can be obtained from two solid tetrahedra by gluing pairs of faces in a prescribed way (and removing the unique vertex in their quotient).