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Geometric Topology 5


Geometric Topology 5

Geometry of Diagrams

Let DD be a diagram of a link LL with cc crossings. We shall assume that the diagram is connected and contains no closed arc. Then its shadow is a planar graph with cc vertices and c+2c+2 regions, including "outside". We state without proof the fairly obvious fact that the shadow can be "chess-boarded":

Chess Lemma: Black and white can be assigned to the regions of DD in such a way that the same colours only meet at a vertex and not along an edge.

We shall use this result to show that:

  1. A chess-boarded shadow distinguishes an alternating diagram
  2. A colouring matrix can be defined so that the row vectors sum to zero
  3. There is a quick way to compute the determinant this way.

Alternating knots

Let SS be the shadow of a knot diagram with a chess-boarding. Orient SS and start anywhere. At the first crossing one reaches, make the strand an overpass if black is on the right as you arrive, otherwise make it an underpass. Since black and white alternate, this rule will determine an alternating diagram with the property that (if, as usual, we regard an overpass as the xx-axis) quadrants Q1Q_1 and Q3Q_3 are shaded black.

Corollary: The shadow of any knot diagram has two alternating diagrams associated to it, otherwise (up to ambient isotopy) to a knot KK and its mirror image mKmK.

It is convenient, whenever possible, to chess-board a shadow so that white is on the outside. This then distinguishes one of KK and mKmK. For example, making the the three leaves of a trefoil knot shadow black determines R31R3_1.

Any knot up to and excluding 8198_{19} can be represented by an alternating diagram. Such a knot is therefore determined by its shadow up to reflection. The absence of over and underpasses in a knot diagram assumes it is alternating. If 8198_{19}'s shadow is rendered alternating it becomes a diagram of 8188_{18}.

Reduced Diagrams

For future reference, it will help to restrict to diagrams that have no twists that can easily be eliminaed either by an R1R_1 move on a single arc or by a 'macro move'.

Definition: The diagram of a link is reduced if no crossing is an isthmus, one that is bounded by 33 (rather than 44) regions.

An isthmus arises from a 'macro' twist contained in some region, and defines a closed curve f(S1)R2f(S^1) \subset \mathbb{R}^2.

By Schoenflie's theorem (a strengthening of Jordan's), f(S1)f(S^1) is unknotted and there is a homeomorphism F:R2R2F: \mathbb{R}^2 \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^2 such that the image of FfF \circ f is a circle, the boundary of a disk that can be rotated in space to eliminate the twist. This is the idea behind:

Theorem: Any link is isotopic to one with a reduced diagram.

Return to Colouring Matrix

Let DD be a reduced diagram of a knot or link LL. In addition, suppose that DD is connected and contains no closed arc. The colouring equations are then encoded in a matrix A+A_+ of size c×cc \times c.

Given a chess-boarding of DD, assign a chess-sign (also called a Goeritz index) +1+1 to a crossing if (with xx-axis as the overpass) quadrants Q1,Q3Q_1,Q_3 are black, otherwise 1-1. For +1+1 use the entries 2,1,12,-1,-1 in the row of the colouring matrix, otherwise 2,1,1-2,1,1.

Lemma: In this setup, the integers in each column of A+A_+ (defined by an arc) sum to 00.

Proof: Consider 'subarcs' of DD, equivalently edges xix_i of the shadow SS. Each colouring equation involves exactly four of them:

x1x2+x3x4=0,x_1 - x_2 + x_3 - x_4 = 0,

where xix_i has a positive sign     \iff it approaches the crossing with black on its right. The overpass will consist of either {x1,x3}\{x_1,x_3\} or {x2,x4}\{x_2,x_4\}. Each subarc will be assigned opposite signs from its two crossings, and all the crossing equations sum to zero. \blacksquare

The Colouring Group

Let A+A_+ be the colouring matrix determined by a chess-boarding of DD as before.

Definition: The determinant of DD is det(A)| \det(A) | where AA is a submatrix of A+A_+ obtained by deleting any one row and one column.

The previous results guarantee that this non-negative quantity does not depend on AA. Since we have obtained it in a systematic way from the system of colouring equations, which is unchanged by RR-moves, det(A)| \det (A) | depends only on the ambient isotopy class of the link LL. We may therefore talk about the determinant of a link or knot.

Definition: Having chosen AA, the colouring group CC of DD is the abelian group generated by the symbols x1,...,xc1x_1,...,x_{c-1} subject to the relations given by the rows of AA.

It can be shown that the isomorphism class of CC likewise only depends on the ambient isotopy class of the link, and that C=det(A)| C | = | \det (A) |, provided AA is invertible.

Example: It follows from the matrix calculation that the knot 414_1 has CZ5=Z/5ZC \cong \mathbb{Z}_5 = \mathbb{Z}/5 \mathbb{Z}, a cyclic group of order 55. We shall revisit this example.

Diagonalization of Integer Matrices

Let DD be the diagram of 414_1 with:

A=(210121102).A = \begin{pmatrix} 2 & -1 & 0 \\ -1 & 2 & -1 \\ -1 & 0 & 2 \end{pmatrix}.


C={x1,x2,x3:2x1x2=0,x1+2x2x3=0,x1+2x3=0},C = \{x_1,x_2,x_3: 2x_1 - x_2 = 0, -x_1 + 2x_2 - x_3 = 0, -x_1 + 2x_3 = 0\},

where the xix_i should now be thought of as mere symbols, not integers. More abstractly CC is the quotient Z/(ATZ3)\mathbb{Z}/(A^T \mathbb{Z}^3) of the set of all integer column vectors by the subgroup generated by columns of ATA^T. By applying elementary row operations to AA we can make it upper-triangular and deduce that:

C={x1,x2,x3:x1=2x3,x2=4x3,5x3=0}={x:5x=0}Z5C = \{x_1,x_2,x_3: x_1 = 2x_3, x_2 = 4x_3, 5x_3 = 0\} = \{x : 5x = 0\} \cong \mathbb{Z}_5

which coincides with what we discovered at the start.

Lemma: (Smith Normal Form, SNF) Suppose that AA is a square matrix with integer entries. There exist integer matrices P,QP,Q with determinant 11 such that PAQPAQ is diagonal with entries d1,d2,...d_1,d_2,...

The proof of this lemma (which crops up in the matrix presentation of modules) uses row and column operations. We omit the details.

The Colouring Theorem

Theorem: Let DD be a connected reduced diagram of some knot or link LL. Let Δ=det(A)\Delta = | \det (A) | denote its determinant.

  1. If Δ=0\Delta = 0 then LL is nn-colourable for any n2n \geq 2.
  2. If Δ0\Delta \neq 0 then LL is nn-colourable     \iff gcd(Δ,n)>1gcd (\Delta, n) > 1.

Proof: We can assume that AA is obtained from A+A_+ by deleting the last row and column. Use SNF to write PAQ=BPAQ = B where B=diag(d1,...,dc1)B = diag(d_1,...,d_{c-1}). Allowing PP to have determinant ±1\pm 1, we can assume that each did_i in the SNF is a non-negative integer. Set y=Q1x\underline{y} = Q^{-1}\underline{x}. The system of equations for nn-colourability can be written:

Ax=0 mod n     P1By=0 mod n    By=0 mod n,A \underline{x} = 0 \ \mod \ n \ \implies P^{-1}B\underline{y} = 0 \ \mod \ n \implies B \underline{y} = 0 \ \mod \ n,

so diyi=0 mod nd_iy_i = 0 \ \mod \ n for 1ic11 \leq i \leq c-1. We are assuming that xc=0x_c = 0.

  1. If Δ=0\Delta = 0 then di=0d_i = 0 for some ii and we can take yi=1y_i = 1 and all other yj=0y_j = 0.
  2. If gcd(Δ,n)>1gcd(\Delta, n) > 1 then nn has a prime factor p>1p > 1 in commmon with some did_i. Thus di=ped_i = pe and n=pfn = pf, and we can take yi=fy_i = f and yj=0y_j = 0 if jij \neq i. Conversely if there is a solution with yi0 mod ny_i \neq 0 \ \mod \ n then gcd(di,n)>1gcd(d_i,n) > 1. \blacksquare

Finite Abelian Groups

Any finite abelian group is known to be the product of cyclic groups. We are using SNF to establish this theorem in our situation, although we are working with additive notation. The proof of the colouring theorem actually determines the structure of the set of solutions to the colouring equations, and so the colouring group CC. The latter is an abelian group with addition. By converting (changing basis) from the symbols xjx_j to yiy_i, we see that:

CZd1...Zdc1, di0C \cong \mathbb{Z}_{d_1} \oplus ... \oplus \mathbb{Z}_{d_{c-1}}, \ d_i \geq 0

where Zd=Z/dZ\mathbb{Z}_d = \mathbb{Z}/d\mathbb{Z} is a cyclic group of order dd, except that Z0=Z\mathbb{Z}_0 = \mathbb{Z} denotes the infinite cyclic group. Note that Z1={0}Z_1 = \{0\} is the identity group, so if di=1d_i = 1 there is effectively no contribution to the direct sum above.

Corollary: If Δ0\Delta \neq 0 then C=Δ| C | = \Delta. But if Δ=0\Delta = 0 then CC is infinite.

There are different ways of decomposing a finite abelian group C=ZdiC = \bigoplus \mathbb{Z}_{d_i} as a direct sum of cyclic groups. One can always arrange that didi+1d_i | d_{i+1} to get a unique description. Or (since ZpqZpZq\mathbb{Z}_{pq} \cong \mathbb{Z}_p \oplus \mathbb{Z}_q if gcd(p,q)=1gcd(p,q) = 1), one can take each did_i to be a prime power.