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Geometric Topology 6


Geometric Topology 6

The Goeritz Method

There is an easier way to compute the determinant of a knot.


Take the chessboarding of the Whitehead link. Label the white regions inner left 1, right 2, outside 3. Define a 3×33 \times 3 matrix G+=(gij)G_+ = (g_{ij}) by:

gij={sum of any crossings common to regions i,j if ij,minus the sum of all crossings bounding region  i, if i=j.g_{ij} = \begin{cases} \text{sum of any crossings common to regions} \ i,j \ \text{if} \ i \neq j,\\ \text{minus the sum of all crossings bounding region } \ i, \ \text{if} \ i = j. \end{cases}

In taking the sum, the crossing should be assigned its chess-sign, so G+G_+ is symmetric and its rows and columns add up to zero. We then compute the determinant using the previous proposition. Deleting last row and column yields:

G=(3113), det(G)=8.G = \begin{pmatrix} -3 & 1 \\ 1 & -3 \end{pmatrix}, \ \det (G) = 8.

It can be shown that det(G)| \det (G) | agrees with the link determinant computed from the colouring matrix AA. What's more, the SNF of GG will also determine the colouring group, so typically the diagonal form of AA will have lots more 11's than that of GG.

Pretzel Links

If p,q,rp,q,r are integers, the (triple) pretzel link P(p,q,r)P(p,q,r) is formed by taking three twists with p,q,rp,q,r crossings and combining them in the form of a flat "pretzel". This provides a diagram DD in which the twists are shown from left to right. If DD is chess-boarded with white on the outside then a positive/negative integer means that all the crossings in that twist have positive/negative chess signs. With this convention, we can write the trefoil knot R31R3_1 as P(1,1,1)P(-1,-1,-1).

In space, one can think of the three twists more symmetrically as dangling vertically from points of a circular light fitting. That shows that a cyclic permutation of the three integers leads to ambient isotopic links. If pp is even/odd then the two strands enter and leave the twist in the same/reversed order on DD. It follows that P(p,q,r)P(p,q,r) is a knot if at least two of p,q,rp,q,r are odd, otherwise it is a link with 22 or 33 components.

The Determinant of a Pretzel

Proposition: The determinant of the link P(p,q,r)P(p,q,r) equals qr+rp+pq| qr + rp + pq |.

Justification with the Goeritz Method: Chessboarding a diagram like that of P(3,3,3)P(-3,3,-3) leaves two interior white regions, one bounded by p+q| p | + | q | crossings and the other by q+r| q | + | r |. The resulting Goeritz matrix:

G=(pqqqqr)G = \begin{pmatrix} -p - q & q \\ q & -q - r \end{pmatrix}

takes account of the chess signs. Its determinant is pq+pr+qrpq + pr + qr. \blacksquare

As a corollary P(2,3,5)P(-2,3,5) and P(3,5,7)P(-3,5,7) have determinant one and like the unknot cannot be coloured for any modulus nn.

Unless p,q,rp,q,r all have the same sign, the chess signs will also vary in sign and the usual diagram of P(p,q,r)P(p,q,r) cannot be alternating. The first non-alternating knot in the tables is 8198_{19}, which happens to coincide with P(3,3,2)P(3,3,-2) and is a knot that can in common with 31,513_1,5_1 and 717_1 be inscribed on a torus.

More Examples

  • Recall that no knot an be 22-coloured (because both underpasses at a crossing must be 00 or 11, so there can only be one colour throughout the component). So a knot always has odd determinant.
  • Any link with at least 22 components can be 22-coloured (one knot 00, the rest 11). If a link possesses a diagram with 22 components that can be separated then its determinant is zero, but the converse is false: the right link has Δ=0\Delta = 0.