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Operators on Infinite Dimensional Vector Spaces Exercises 2


Exercises 2

Exercise 2.1:

  1. Let TnTT_n \rightarrow T uniformly. Prove that TnTT_n^* \rightarrow T^* uniformly.
  2. Let TnTT_n \rightarrow T strongly. Give an example where the strong convergence TnTT_n^* \rightarrow T^* does not hold.
  3. Let TnTT_n \rightarrow T weakly. Prove that TnTT_n^* \rightarrow T^* weakly.

Exercise 2.2:

Let PnP_n be a sequence of orthogonal projections and let PP be an orthogonal projection. Prove that if PnPP_n \rightarrow P weakly, then PnPP_n \rightarrow P strongly.

Exercise 2.3:

Find a projection on C2\mathbb{C}^2 that is not an orthogonal projection. Find a projection in C[0,1]C[0,1] with the sup\sup norm. Can you find an orthogonal projection?

Exercise 2.4:

Let TT in L2(R)L^2(\mathbb{R}) be the operator of multiplication by a function tt. Under what condition on tt is the operator TT an orthogonal projection? Describe Ran(T)\text{Ran}(T) in this case.

Exercise 2.5:

Show that a bounded operator TT in H\mathcal{H} is normal if and only if the operators Re(T)=(T+T)2\text{Re}(T) = \frac{(T+T^*)}{2} and Im(T)=TT2i\text{Im}(T) = \frac{T-T^*}{2i} commute.

Exercise 2.6:

Let UB(H)U \in \mathcal{B}(\mathcal{H}) be such that Ux=x\|Ux\| = \|x\| for all xx and Ran(U)=H\text{Ran}(U)=\mathcal{H}. Prove that UU is unitary.

Exercise 2.7:

Let P,QP,Q be orthogonal projections onto subspaces E,FHE,F \subset \mathcal{H} respectively. Suppose that PQ=QPPQ=QP.

  1. Prove that IP;PQ;PQ;P+QPQI-P; PQ; PQ; P+Q - PQ and P+Q2PQP+Q-2PQ are all orthogonal projections.
  2. How are the ranges of all these projections related to EE and FF?.

Exercise 2.8:

Let A=AB(H)A=A^* \in \mathcal{B}(\mathcal{H}). Prove that if A0A \neq 0, then An0A^n \neq 0 for all nNn \in \mathbb{N}. _Hint: First prove it for n=2k,kNn=2^k, k \in \mathbb{N}.

Exercise 2.9:

An operator TB(H)T \in \mathcal{B}(\mathcal{H}) is called isometric if TT=IT^*T=I (but not necessarily TT=ITT^*=I). Show that if dimH<\dim \mathcal{H} < \infty, then all isometric operators are unitary. Show that all isometric operators are injective.