Simple Examples of Linear Bounded Operators
Example 1.13: Let X,Y be Banach spaces and assume that X is finite-dimensional. Let T:X→Y be a linear operator. Then T is bounded.
Indeed, since all norms in X are equivalent, it suffices to consider the case X=Cn with the Euclidean norm ∥⋅∥2. Let e1,...,en be the standard basis in Cn. For x∈Cn, we have:
∥Tx∥Y=∥Ti=1∑nxiei∥Y=∥i=1∑nxiTei∥Y≤i=1∑n∣xi∣∥Tei∥Y≤C∥x∥2, where C2=∥Te1∥Y2+⋯+∥Ten∥Y2.
Example 1.14: Let t1,t2,... be a bounded sequence of complex numbers. For 1≤p≤∞, let T:ℓp→ℓp be defined by:
T:(x1,x2,...)↦(t1x1,t2x2,...). Then T is bounded and ∥T∥=supn≥1∣tn∣.
Example 1.15: Let Ω be any measurable space, and let t∈L∞(Ω). Then:
T:f(x)↦t(x)f(x) defines a bounded operator on Lp(Ω) (for any p≥1) and ∥T∥=∥t∥∞.
Example 1.16: Let S:ℓ2→ℓ2 be the shift operator:
S:(x0,x1,x2,...)↦(0,x0,x1,...). Then S is bounded and ∥S∥=1. One can also consider the backwards shift operator S∗:ℓ2→ℓ2 (the reason for the notation will become clear in the next section),
S∗:(x0,x1,x2,...)↦(x1,x2,...). Then we also have ∥S∗∥=1.
Example 1.17: Let a∈R and let Ta:Lp(R)→Lp(R) be defined by:
Ta:f(x)↦f(x−a). Then Ta is bounded and ∥Ta∥=1.